Frequently asked questions about a career coach:
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More about a career coach:
Career coach procedure
A career coach often knows what to do- and will give you the right advice- after a few sessions. But most of the time more is needed to really get to the core of the problem.
A lot of coaches start with figuring out the best route to take. In the beginning you will figure out- together with the coach- what you what and need. The best route to take will be different for everybody, because it is so personal. Omdat dit heel persoonlijk is, zal een loopbaantraject er voor iedereen net even anders uitzien.
A career coach and a personal coach do have a lot in common. Both will want to know about your and private life. The main difference between the two is the priority focus: do you want to find a new job or a completely different career? Or do yo have other challenges outside of your worklife? In the first case you can get in touch with a career coach, if it is the latter you may want the help of a personal coach.