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Welcome to the platform for mastering your skills! Want to get better at painting? Do you want to learn a new language or take some yoga classes? Or are you looking for tutoring? Discover which teachers, trainers and coaches are ready for you and sign up for a course, lesson or workshop near you!
Telekids Musicalschool: musicalles VO 12+
Telekids Musicalschool: musicalles groep 6,7 & 8
Telekids Musicalschool: musicalles groep 3,4 & 5
Telekids Musicalschool: musicalles groep 1 & 2
aikidolessen voor volwassenen, vanaf 16 jaar
Open atelier figuur & portret
ATILIM GYM VakantieSchool 21 and/or 22 July 2024
Move it Mondays
Basketball Move it Mondays
Amstelveen Amstelveen
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Always wanted to play the piano? Are you going for a wine course? Or do you want to improve your Spanish? Be inspired and choose what you want to learn.

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Do you see a nice course, but do you have a question first? Simply create a free account and ask your question to the teacher.

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Book… your course and learn!

Have you found a nice course, lesson or workshop near you? Then book it directly through your account. Have fun learning!

  • Make use of the homework tool
  • Take control of your agenda 
  • Have fun learning