ATILIM MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
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13 - 99
€ 0,00
MMA is a popular martial arts class for the individuals who want to improve their fighting skills and participate to competitions.
MMA is great to learn martial arts while getting fitter and stronger.
ATILIM's MMA concept is based on ATILIM WingTsun, which enables the athlete to train one complete system. The same principles that are applied standing can easily be applied on the ground. Thus, athletes do not need to learn multiple disciplines - such as kick boxing for kicks and punches but BJJ for ground fighting.
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ATILIM GYM-Amstelveen
In overleg, zie beschikbaarheid
Nederlands (Dutch), English (Engels), Türk (Turks / Turkish)
Smederij 4C, 1185 ZR, Amstelveen
Offering 1
Reguliere prijs: €75.00
Trial Class
Reguliere prijs: €0.00