CourseSpots wants to make 'life long learning' possible for everybody. Are you in?

Together we are building towards making 'life long learning'accesible for everybody, disregarding background or level of education. Taking part in extra curiculaire activaties can be very valuable to development in childeren. It can better school performance, social growth and increases social involvement. A lot of underprivilegde youth does not get the chance to participate in extra curiculaire activaties. Most of the time money is the issue.

We are going to do something about this! Are you in?  Reach out to us and maybe we will see eachother in the next brainstorm!

<h2>Keep learning</h2>

Keep learning

CourseSpots wants to support the youth in finding and developing their talents. We want the youth to be its own acvocate. The younger generation listens to their peers, so when one is doing something new ( in this case developing a new skill or talent) the rest will follow.

CourseSpots wants to do this by creating an accesible methode which will help vulnerable youth with developing their talents (sports, languag, music and creativaty) and their social involvement.

    <h2>The SDG's of the United Nations</h2>

    The SDG's of the United Nations

    In 2015 the United Nations embraced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a global policy. These SDG's are meant to create a 'sustainable society'. Not only focused at climate and biodiversity, but also striving towards a sustainable and inclusive society for all. The main goals here are education and equal opportunities for all including living a healthy life.

    So for us these are the most important goals:

    • [SDG 3] Good (mental) health
    • [SDG 4] Quality of education
    • [SDG 5] Gender equality
    • [SDG 8] Honesty and economic growth
    • [SDG 10] Reducing inequality
    • [SDG 11] Sustainable cities & communities
    • [SDG 17] Partnerships to achieve the goals

    We believe life long learning should be accessible and possible for all. This is why in our programs we focus on providing free learning vouchers for underprivileged kids, and why we work with local governments to support local learning platforms.