Lesson variation on CourseSpots

Sharing your knowledge with others can be done in different ways and CourseSpots offers the possibility to offer different types of teaching methods. A group course is very different from a private lesson and we therefore ask you to choose the type of lesson you offer so that we can request the correct information. (Video in Dutch only)

Different formats for courses, lessons, workshops and other activities


A course consists of a curriculum with several lessons that can be attended by several students and has a fixed start and end date. The student books the entire series of lessons in one go. Examples of courses are a Spanish course B2, a wine course SDEN1 or a mindfulness training (MBSR).


A workshop resembles a course, but usually takes place over 1 day or part of a day, during which the students immediately apply the teaching material in practice. It is a group activity scheduled on a fixed date and time, for which several students can register. Examples of workshops include a sushi workshop, a city photography workshop or a painting workshop.

Tutoring, private lessons or coaching

A tutoring, private lesson or coaching usually takes place 1-on-1 or in some cases in a select group. The teacher has full attention for the student and the content of the lesson is usually designed according to the exact need. A student can book a single lesson or a package of lessons that are scheduled based on teacher availability.

Group lessons

Group lessons have a repetitive character and usually take place at a fixed time during the week or month. The teacher determines the date and time and the content of the lessons. A student can purchase a single lesson, strip card or subscription that gives him access to the lessons. Several people can register for these group lessons depending on the number of available places. An example of group classes are boot camp classes or yoga classes.