Tips for teachers

How to make a good course page 


The course page is the place where you can show the students what they can expect when following your course. First impressions are very important, but no worries we will help you with it!  

But first: teachers profile

Before you can add or change your course, lesson or workshop, you have to have a  good teachers profile. Already got one? You can skip ahead! Don’t have one yet? Read tips for a good profile here!

Have you not registered yet? Register here for free.

Back to the course page:

  1. The title

The title is quite important, it needs to make the reader curious. The title needs to explain what the course is about in a few words. This can be a challenge but we will figure it out together!

Make sure the title is sort and powerful, the reader instantly needs to know what it is about. A short title can still be personal, wright in your own style but make the message come across.

  1. Header picture

The header picture is the one at the top of your page. You can use this picture as a way of showing what you do during the course.

Make sure the quality is good, this picture will most likely be enhanced and you don’t want an unclear picture. Also make sure nothing important will be cut of when uploading it.

  1. Course description

The first place you can describe your course, you should use a general explanation like ‘’ Math for beginners’’ to follow up you can be more specific like ‘’ Math for beginners summer 2022”.

Make sure your description contains the following and may answer questions students might have:

  • What does the course consist of?
  • What is my new skill at the end of this course?
  • What is the way of teaching used in this course?
  • What is the mandatory starting level?
  • Do I have to bring any sort of material to participate in the course?

For the more specific description this must be inclued in the description:

  • Where does the course take place?
  • How long does the course take?
  • Any kind of special info (how big the course groups can be for example)

Just like with the title, keep it short but powerful. Make use of ‘’active’’ sentences.

  1. Bonustip: the reviews

Let your students know they will receive a review request. These reviews will help boost your course and your course page! Lessons get a stat rating and courses get written reviews.

Get ready to be booked!

Is everything ready? Optimazed your profile and added your courses to your dashboard? Now you just need some patience, the booking will come. Having used our tips it is just a matter of time 😉.

Share your course on your socials to bigger the surface of possible students even more. Have fun teaching!

Ps. Can’t figure it out? Please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help!